Saturday, August 3, 2019

Whiskers & Wings: Discovering Martha Edwards

A few days ago my mom surprised me with this sweet little kit!

Isn't it adorable? As you know I love cats, and the expression on this kitten's face is so very sweet and candid. I can't wait to make this! We don't get any snow where I live, so for me the snow is very exotic, so for me this scene looks quite magical and cozy. This is definitely going to go in my crafting corner when it's done.

The design is Whiskers & Wings by Dimensions, it came out in 1999 I believe and is now retired. The artist is Martha Edwards, and I've found some of her other stuff, which is adorable:

She seems to really focus on cats, windows and birds, doesn't she? I absolutely love the cozy feel of her art. If I like stitching this one, I'll try getting a few others from her!

In my excitement I started stitching on it already, in breaks between beading my mermaid, and here's how it's looking so far:

I love the way that the design uses the aida canvas as the snow itself, so what I'm actually stitching is the shadows of it. Very clever! I think it's going to look absolutely gorgeous when it's done. A very relaxing project so far, so I'm very much enjoying it. 

And since we're speaking of cats, here is a picture of Luno, my parents' cat:

He may look sweet, but he's kind of mean!

Posing like the cat in Whiskers & Wings

Happy stitching everyone, and as always thank you if you take the time to comment, it always brings a smile to my face :)


  1. You are off to a good start on Whiskers & Wings. I bet it is a good break from the beading. Luno's expression says don't mess with me.

    1. Thank you Robin! And you absolutely got Luno's personality right... He can be a bit of a bully! But we love him because he's family :)
