Monday, May 13, 2019

Happy Mail!!

YOU GUYS!!! Look what just arrived in the mail!!!!

IT'S FREAKING ANDROMEDA BY MIRABILIA!!!!! Appropriate punctuation be damned I'm so excited!!!! This is a gift from my parents (I suspect Bad Flare Perk) and I could not love it more!!!

I mean look at it! It came packaged so neatly and all the materials are right there complete with actual pre-made bobbins so I don't have to cut my own with painful hands! And beads! And sparkly thread!! I don't even know where to start, I am so over beyond the moon here!!

In fact, it's so absolutely beautiful I haven't touched it yet. I've put it back neatly in the packaging it came with and am now going to finish the pattern I'm working on so I can get started on my first ever Mirabilia! With beads!! And sparkly thread!! I mean!! WOW.

(By the way yes, yes I absolutely want to throw my current WIP aside right now and tear right into this new project, but goodness me I've got principles and if I set aside the Stacked Teacups project now with the current level of frustration I feel towards it I will never pick it up again and it will drive me insane because it will be sitting in a drawer for years and before you ask, I'll know, that's who'll know).

Anyway I'm wasting time here people, it's off to stitch!