Sunday, January 12, 2020

Guardian Spirit, and why I like to cross stitch

Hi everyone! How are you all this week? I'm happy to report that my stitching bug is back, and my wintry routine of stitching while watching Gilmore Girls and cuddling my cats has been fully restored. It's wonderful! Here is how Guardian Spirit is doing so far:

I'm loving the blue stripe on her blouse and the sheen that it has- isn't it pretty? Funny as it may sound, the clothes in this piece really speak to me. It's something about the colors and patterns in the fabric. I just find them gorgeous. Here are some closeups:

This week I've been doing some thinking about why I like cross stitching so much. It's a hobby that I started back in 2018, because I wanted something "easy" to do with my hands, something that allowed me to make something pretty in a simple way.  And I haven't stopped ever since! So, here are my reasons for loving cross stitch:

  1. It's simple. Essentially, cross stitching is literally making an x with thread, over and over again. Most people can learn it. And that's why I love it: because when I'm exhausted at the end of the day, I really just want to relax with a project and not have to think. 
  2. You can do it anywhere. You don't need to be sitting at a desk or going anywhere special. You can stitch away on the couch, in bed, at the beach... Anywhere you're comfortable! And for me this is a real winner. 
  3. So many themes! You can create pretty much anything, from nature scenes to fairies to nerdy pop culture. So you can't get bored :)
So, those are my reasons. What are yours? Why do you like to cross stitch?

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend with plenty of things to enjoy! See you next time :)


  1. Guardian Spirit is coming along nicely. I'm not sure I've ever asked myself why I like stitching, so here goes: it's calming, like you said you can stitch anywhere. You're creating something beautiful out of something simple, fabric and thread.

    1. Thank you Shelly, and for answering the question :) The "creating something beautiful out of something simple" really resonated with me, thank you for sharing that with me!

  2. Guardian Spirit is looking incredible, Robin. Hmm, I like to cross stitch because it is peaceful and relaxing, it allows me to create something for myself or for someone else, it can be done almost any place, and it makes me happy.

    1. Thank you Robin, and also for answering the question :) How lovely to hear something as beautiful and simple as "it makes me happy". I actually think that should be the first reason we do something, right? Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Guardian Spirit just keeps getting prettier and prettier, Robin! I can see why you are drawn to this piece.

    As for me, I love stitching because it is SO good for calming anxiety and it also makes me feel artistic. When I was young, I so wished I could draw or paint but I had no talent in those areas. Starting with a blank piece of fabric and "painting" a pretty picture with thread makes me feel like an artist :)

    Hope you have a lovely week!

    1. Oh Carol, same here! I can't draw to save my life, so stitching really helps me to feel artistic haha. Thanks so much for putting it into words, I hadn't made that connection. Also, I agree: it's so calming! Thanks for your comment :)

  4. Wonderful progress on Guardian Spirit! The detail is really lovely.

    I'm enjoying reading why everyone likes to cross stitch! My reasons are very similar- I find pulling thread through fabric to be very meditative and relaxing. Having this hobby has helped me get through stressful times over the years. I also love the creative aspects of choosing fabric and thread, etc, and the ability to produce something handmade to give as a gift or for my own home. I agree with Robin in Virginia- it just makes me happy!
    Hope you enjoy your week!

    1. Wonderful reason here Mary: pulling thread through fabric is meditative, it really does feel like that doesn't it? I'm glad you enjoy it so much and that it has helped you during stressful times, I can definitely agree with you there. Thank you for commenting :)
