Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Mermaid Azure

I have another confession to make: I've gone and started another pattern!

I know, I know, but I just couldn't help myself! Here's how I justified it to myself:
  1. New fabric. I was just too excited to try out my brand new, hand dyed fabric!
  2. 14 count aida. I wanted a project on 14-count aida because my eyes are exhausted from working on linen with Andromeda. Also so I could stitch outside in the shade, because who wants to be indoors when you can be outside?
  3. Mermaids! In case it's not clear, I really really really wanted to do a mermaid!  I mean, it's summer, which means it's hot, which means we go to the beach a lot, which inevitably makes me think of mermaids.
So I went and got myself Mermaid Azure by Nora Corbett and oh, my goodness. I am in love.

It's stitching up so quickly! I've said it before and I'll say it again, patterns by Nora Corbett/Mirabilia and Joan Elliott just have a certain flow to them. It's just so easy to get in "the zone" and stitch away. 

Also, not to brag, but it's looking great on the fabric! I still can't believe I made those colors happen. Proud Crafter moment over here!

I'm also happy because by dyeing the fabric myself and by using the beads I already have lying around, I've made this project quite affordable. So I don't feel too guilty about having started it! 

(Also, if you've been reading my blog for a while and are wondering whatever happened to Wreath of All Seasons, yeah... It's much larger than I thought, has tons of confetti, and let's face it, I have mermaid fever. So it's taking a little break).

That's all for today. I hope you're all having a great day and enjoying your projects! And a big thank you to all of you who take the time to leave little comments on my posts, they always bring a smile to my face :)

I'll say goodbye with my sweet little Quijote being adorable:


  1. Your start on the mermaid is looking good. The fabric you dyed is gorgeous. I think you should work on whatever makes you happy. Stitching is supposed to be fun and relaxing and definitely not a chore.

    1. Thank you Robin! And I completely agree about doing what makes you happy... I used to be very strict with myself about finishing projects, but I'm starting to relax now and just enjoy the process :)

  2. Oooh--that looks so lovely on your pretty fabric! Well done, Robin! And how sweet is your kitty--I so miss having a cat in the house, but my husband's allergies just won't permit it any longer...

    1. Aw thank you Carol! :) I'm sorry to hear about your husband's allergies, I imagine it must be very hard for you. My husband's not allergic but he did not want cats under any circumstances... So we compromised and got two :D he's such a sweetheart. Sending you a hug.
